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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Some aspects of Internal Hordeolum with homoepathic mode of treatment-

It is the suppurative inflammation of a meibomian gland of exactly same nature as stye but is comparatively rare. It is often called a suppurative chalazion and sometimes may be due to secondary infection of a chalazion.

Causative agent- Staphylococcus.

Symptoms-They are same as for stye but are more severe.

(1) A tender, painful swelling within the substance of the lid in the tarsal plate, a little distance away from the lid margin.
(2) The point of maximum tenderness is away from the lid margin.
(3) If the lesion enlarges, the pus points on the tarsal conjunctiva and not on the root of an eyelash. It rarely points on the skin.

(1) Lid hygiene should be properly maintained.
(2) Blood sugar should be controlled in case of diabetes mellitus.
(3) General health of the patient should be improved with good nutrition and vitamins.
(4) Refractive errors, if any, should be corrected with suitable glasses (spectacles) or contact lenses।

(5) Hot compresses may be applied.
Homoeopathy plays a good role in its treatment. Of the different medicines, Hepar Sulph (Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum) 30 should be given six times daily for a week if there is intense pain. Silicea 30 may also be used & should be given six times daily for a week if the pain is stitching in nature.

Labels-Blood sugar, Chalazion, Conjunctiva, Contact lens, Diabetes mellitus, Hepar Sulph (Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum), Eyelash, Glass, Health, Homoeopathy, Refractive errors, Spectacle, Hygiene, Internal Hordeolum, Nutrition, Patient., Pus, Silicea, Skin, Vitamin.

IN SHORT- Internal Hordeolum is manifested as a tender, painful swelling within the substance of the lid a little distance away from the lid margin. Treatment is followed as mentioned above.

But in every case, a doctor should be consulted.

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