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Monday, March 9, 2009

Some aspects of Student’s elbow with homoepathic mode of treatment

Also referred to as Olecranon bursitis, it is a chronic inflammation of the olecranon bursa. It is so called as it is found in students who tend to keep their elbows repeatedly over the table, bench etc over long periods during writing, reading etc & the resulting chronic friction leads to its development.

Aetiology -
(1) Repetitive minor injuries or irritation.
(2) Microcrystalline deposition.

Clinical features-
(1) Usually a swelling on the bony bit at the back of the elbow.
(2) Associated pain if there is inflammation.
(3) Gradually pain at rest & during movement of elbow.
(4) Restriction of elbow movement.
(5) On bleeding into the bursa, the swelling as well as the pain increases.

Investigations-Aspiration & culture of the bursal fluid to exclude the possibility of an infectious aetiology.

(1) Rest & protecting the area from any kind of trauma.
(2) Application of ice.
(3) Immobilization of the arm.
(4) Homeopathic medicines to be used are usually Benzoicum acidum (, Bryonia or Belladonna (Bell) etc. The potency & frequency of dosage varies with the severity of the condition & the individual. Usually a lower potency like 30 C is to be used first for thrice daily & to be continued till the persistence of the symptoms.

(1) Wearing of elbow guards during playing a game in which there is a chance of getting hit on the elbows.
(2) Change of writing or reading habits so that leaning on the elbows for long periods of time can be avoided.

Prognosis- Microcrystalline-induced bursitis has a good prognosis & the symptoms usually resolve after a few days, whether treated or not. But bursitis due to repeated minor irritation is more difficult to treat.

In short, Student’s elbow is a chronic inflammation of the olecranon bursa which manifests as a painful swelling over the tip of the olecranon & is to be treated by Benzoicum acidum (, Bryonia or Belladonna (Bell).

But in every case, a doctor should be consulted.

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